Hinch Peated Blend Irish Whiskey 750ml
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Hinch Peated Small Batch, is a vibrant fusion of heavily Peated Single Malt Irish Whiskey and Single Grain Irish whiskey. This distinctive blend is matured in ex-Bourbon and ex-Sherry Hogshead barrels, creating a complex and rich profile that whiskey enthusiasts will appreciate.
Nose: Experience the inviting aromas of smouldering peat, complemented by the sweetness of banoffee pie and the tropical essence of decimated coconut.
Palate: On the palate, enjoy the delightful taste of melted brown sugar, enhanced by a gentle woodiness and the subtle fruitiness of apricot.
Finish: The finish is smooth and satisfying, with lingering hints of banana foam that leave a lasting impression.
Alc: 43%